Supported Languages

So Many Euros currently supports 15 different languages. For some languages only parts of the program are translated. Please refer to the following chapters for more details. If a part of the software is not translated into your desired language, you may choose to use English or German for the missing parts instead.

The user manual is available in English or German.

Any help with translations is greatly appreciated. If you want to send corrections, add missing translations or begin with a new language, please use the contact form.

Complete Translations

For the following languages all parts of the program were translated:

  • Catalan
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Portuguese
  • Slovak
  • Spanish

Partly Translations

For the following languages only parts of the program were translated:

  • Czech (no motif descriptions, no mint marks)
  • Dutch (partly no motif descriptions)
  • Estonian (no motif descriptions, no mint marks)
  • Finnish (partly no motif descriptions)
  • Italian (partly no motif descriptions)
  • Polish (no motif descriptions, no mint marks)
  • Slovenian (no motif descriptions)